Psalm 26:2-3
So sorry, the website has been down. Here is today's scripture...
Romans 12:12
Philippians 4:4
1 Peter 1:3
Matthew 4:16
Psalm 91:2
Deuteronomy 7:9
Psalm 29:2
Psalm 119:50
Zechariah 2:5
Psalm 104:1
Psalm 18:1
“For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12